2008年9月22日 星期一

致命病種(The Andromeda Strain)

第一次接觸麥可 克萊頓(Michael Crichton)的作品是株羅紀公園,相信大部分的人也都如此,那時還不太瞭解這個作者,只知道導演是史蒂芬史匹柏。第二次接觸就是著名小說「奈米獵殺(Prey)」了,那時全球陷入一頭熱奈米科技研究潮,台灣也很多標榜奈米材料的新興科技公司(目前沒倒沒剩幾家),大肆宣揚種種奈米效應的美好未來,卻無人仔細研究物質極小化後可能的該災害,克萊頓以此小說做為對世人的警惕。之後還看了時間線(Time-line)等作品,只能佩服克萊頓才華洋溢,各種差別很大的主題都能寫的讓人驚心動魄,扣人心弦且富含哲理。


內容牽涉許多科技領域,包含物理學、分子生物學、天文學等高深的學問。我實在不瞭解為什麼他可以懂這麼多,更何況克萊頓是學醫學出身(另一有名著作:急診室的春天),學醫已經夠傷腦筋了。不過片中某一段有點莫名其妙,主角之一的Daniel Dae Kim(曾演出Lost 中的韓國人,這影集也非常不錯)一開始先因燈光引起某種病症,再來又神奇的康復,割完同伴手指頭後就猝死,可能是編劇想讓整個情節更加壯烈,引人熱淚(他…沒做到><)。


2008年9月14日 星期日

淡水老街貓 (Tamsui old street cats)

Recently, news paper said cats are gradually disappeared in Tamsui old streets due to some stores called sanitation bureau to capture them.
I decide to check it out, but damn typhoon destroyed every thing. I can go no where but potato home. Watching an old American soap opera, Friends season 4, to killed time and I don’t know why I got a feeling worried about those cats. It said that tide is in the highest level during Moon Festival and needless to say the super heavy rain. I wonder can cats swim?

In the Sunday morning, rain stopped. I didn’t know how much time I got to have a break. Rushing to the old street I found an old cat walking around. I keep a little distance and showed as nice as I can, but he didn’t seem to feel my hospitality. Forgetting to take my GX100, I could use only cell phone take a quick picture. He may be as shame as me and quickly ran away from my vision.

Then, a parking place along the river, I suddenly find a cat sitting here watching the sea. I closed quietly approaching him. He watched me for a second and started to call his friends. One, two, three….totally seven cats showed up. With tail raising high, they seemed to fulfill with energy. I watched them played and sang for a while till they gone. I felt there are still lots of cats in Tamsui and don’t worry about them. Life will find its way. Watch carefully, and you can find something interesting around you